Let’s Get Personal

Those that know me personally know, my being a dad makes my world turn. I’ll do what it takes to make sure my child has a great life full of love, affection, a sense of belonging and most importantly, me present. The only true way for me to be the best dad I can be is to make sure I put on my mask first. Yes that is an airplane analogy. You get it though don’t you. Just in case you didn’t. In case of an emergency, you must put on your mask first and make sure the oxygen is flowing and you can breathe before you can help anyone else put on theres. How does that relate to parenthood. I need to lead by example.

What type of person do I want my child to become? Moral, ethical, kind, trustworthy, affectionate, compassionate, empathetic? Am I modeling those characteristics? Do I exhibit the values that I want my child to have? We all want or children to become productive citizens in society. What does that really mean? What is productive? Who even decides? Yes I ask a lot of questions. Those are some of my thoughts. These are the things I wonder about. Not to drive myself, but to hold myself accountable.

This is just the tip of this iceberg. Till next time.

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